Cornerstone Downtown

Cornerstone Downtown


Cornerstone Downtown

427 Mendocino Ave, Ste 100
Santa Rosa, CA 95401 | map | directions
(707) 526-4799

Cornerstone is focusing its work on creating and sustaining a vibrant downtown through master planning multiple urban infill, transit-oriented projects. Cornerstone has a vision to change the map in Santa Rosa, and their projects have a large potential to do so. With a combined projection of approximately 2,000 units being able to house over 3,600 residents, there is great potential to affect the current landscape of Santa Rosa, and Sonoma County. Cornerstone has six sites, 5 of which are located in the Santa Rosa Downtown Opportunity Zone; each being an integral piece of the master plan for urban infill. Housing mix for these projects will include affordable, workforce, and market-rate housing.

The ability to provide a range of housing options will allow the projects to reach those serving our community, such as teachers and first responders, along with attracting and retaining a younger generation of individuals and families to the North Bay. These projects will not only increase the liveliness of the downtown area, but also provide much needed workforce to existing companies as well as those wanting to move operations to the North Bay.

“There is a there, HERE in the North Bay.”

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Member Since: 2018